All accounting reports and reconciling of the event must be reviewed monthly. Once the merchant and Eventbrite accounts are ready, follow the integration instructions to connect the event with the gateway account. If the department already has an Eventbrite account for free events, contact MS or the account reconfiguration to take advantage of the negotiated pricing and use the required payment gateway. Submit a support request for training enrollment. All event personnel with access to payment card information must complete annual PCI awareness training. To use Eventbrite for paid events, departments must complete both the Merchant Account Application and Eventbrite Application forms, then submit a support request to create a new account. Allow up to two business weeks for MS to review the request and create the merchant and Eventbrite accounts. Receipts & Gifts add_circle remove_circle Receipts & Gifts. Account Balance Reconciliation Attestation. Balance Sheet Accounts Balance Sheet Accounts.
Managing Aging and Outstanding Expense Transactions.Revenue & Fund Balance Revenue & Fund Balance.Specific Fund Types Specific Fund Types.Authority to View or Access Financial Data.Business & Travel Expenses add_circle remove_circle Business & Travel Expenses.
Managing the Supplier Relationship and Record.
Setting Up a New Supplier or Visitor Payee.Stanford Purchasing Card (PCard) Program.